Greg Bethards
“To you, my comrade, is entrusted a very important duty, that of teaching and protecting the cardinal principles of The American Legion throughout your entire Post. To you is entrusted supervision of the duties of all other officers of the Post. To you may come the needy and the distressed and it is your duty to see that no worthy comrade is turned away without full justice. It is your duty to see that Freedom is ever the watchword of those with whom you may come in contact. Loyalty to your Post, to its membership, to the state and to the National Organization, are obligations which you now assume. You are more than the presiding officer for meetings. You are guided by the Constitution and by the decisions of the Post as a body, yet the responsibility for the success of the year’s program is largely on your shoulders. You must initiate and carry through programs to completion. You must thoroughly familiarize yourself with the policies and traditions of your Post and of The American Legion. By your sincere acceptance and earnest performance of these duties, may the great trust which your comrades have reposed in you be justified. To you I extend the congratulations of the Department, and I wish you well as you assume the responsibilities of your office. I present to you a copy of the Post Officer’s Guide and Manual of Ceremonies to serve as your guide during the coming year.” --Charge from Installation Ceremony
Travis Conely
“To you is given the responsibility of an active cooperation between yourself and the Commander. Particularly should you interest yourself in the membership of the Post. You should be assisted by the most active and devoted members. No single factor has so important an influence on the Post’s success as membership. You will be the exponent of means of safeguarding the honor of the Flag of our Country. To you are committed these endeavors with the expectation that you shall fulfill each and every one of them. You are the teacher of ‘Democracy’.” —Charge from Installation Ceremony
Steve Martin
“Into your helpful hands are placed the important responsibilities of assisting the Commander with all duties. Particularly you should be interested in patriotic observances of all kinds, in developing Post activities, and in the entertainment features which mark all meetings. Help to observe strict tolerance among your members on all political, religious and civic matters. The applications of Justice will be your particular concern.” —Charge from Installation Ceremony
Damon Ohnheiser
“My comrade, you have been chosen to assist your Commander in the wise and effective administration of the office and to serve not only your fellow Legionnaires, but a also those whose relationship to our organization has led them to look to us for guidance and relief. You will find the duties many, varied, and at times taxing of your crowded hours and resources. The successful accomplishment of our program depends, to a great extent, upon you and your performance of the duties of your office.” —Charge from Installation Ceremony
Roscoe Burns
“You are the keeper of the moneys and in you is reposed the financial policy of the Post. To you is given charge of the year’s budget and to you is given the duty of the payment of all obligations when proper authorization has been given for such payment. Your position is an important one, demanding integrity and honesty. Your election to this office signifies that your comrades have implicit trust in you. Guard well that trust.” —Charge from Installation Ceremony
John Wright
“You have been singly honored by this Post by your election to perform fundamental, unselfish work, not only for the benefit of the members of this Post, but for those War veterans particularly in need of your service. Yours is the choice responsibility of looking out for the welfare of all concerned. The duties of a Service Officer are highly important and exacting, and while your accomplishments will be deeply appreciated by those immediately concerned, the work itself will not be sufficiently conspicuous to catch the headlines in the newspapers. Depending upon satisfactory performance of duty, there will come to you the heartfelt gratitude of each and every member of this post. I congratulate you upon the opportunity to serve so constructively and so unselfishly.” —Charge from Installation Ceremony
Hugh Colbert
“You are the sentinel or tiler, the outer guard of this Post. You will guard especially against the loss of one of The American Legion’s greater possessions—our deep and abiding spirit of comradeship. You will learn the identity of and introduce to the Commander all visiting comrades and guests of the Post. You are responsible that no one shall remain a stranger in our midst. Be ready at all times to assist your Commander. Into your hands is given charge of the stand of colors which you will properly display at all Post meetings and on ceremonial occasions.” —Charge from Installation Ceremony
Syl Guzman
“To you, my comrade, is assigned a most important duty for which your legal training and/or past Legion experience so aptly prepare you. You are the interpreter of the Constitution and By-Laws of your Post, and may at any time be called upon by the Commander and other officers and members of the Post to rule on the legality of their actions and decisions insofar as they affect the good of The American Legion. You are also charged with protecting the integrity of our organization and keeping alight the torch of truth and fidelity that symbolizes the high and ennobling ideals under which our great American Legion was founded. Protect wisely that heritage.” —Charge from Installation Ceremony
David Graetz
“To you is given the spiritual leadership of this Post. You will, I know, lend dignity and respect to your office. You should be in close confidence with the commander and the other officers of this Post, and should attend all meetings of the Post. You should be ready upon occasion to take your part in the initiation of new members, the dedication of halls, monuments of colors, and the funeral services for a comrade. All such ceremonies are made more commemorative by the use of our ritual. Into your keeping we place the spirit of comradeship of this Post. May harmony and unity prevail.” —Charge from Installation Ceremony
Matt Payne
“Your Office is an important one. To you is given the responsibility of preserving and compiling the records of this Post. The future can only be judged by the past. Be mindful that the lamp of recorded experience may do much in guiding the footsteps of those who follow. Ever remember that without the recorded history of this Post, its policies and accomplishments will be a blank to the ones who come after we are gone.” -Charge from Installation Ceremony
Ray Goings
Matt O'Leary
Chuck Cooper
Alan Fried
Don Linton serves in a non-board role as both Chaplain Emeritus and Post Communictor, keeping us all up to date and informed as to the general goings on at the post.